Lightswitch Learning buys the publishing rights to the Mortimer Potts School Series!

(Formerly known as the Potts-Abililities Series.)

I am thrilled to announce that Lightswitch Learning, a Sussman Education Company, has acquired the publishing rights to my Potts-Abilities series. Bluebell, Mitzi, and Morris are funny characters who happen to be “differently-abled” and incredibly clever as they deal with outrageous situations at Mortimer Potts Elementary School and Camp Merbando. There are currently three books in the series.

According to their website, Lightswitch Learning “takes a whole-child approach by providing content that builds a child’s skills, confidence, and character.”

These books will be sold to school systems throughout the country and will be available for individuals to buy through the Lightswitch Learning catalog and website in spring 2024.

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